Research for Society Service

Research for Society

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A platform for humanities and social sciences research blogs

Hypothesis is designed to be an interactive platform between humanities and social sciences (SSH) researchers and the society at large. Developing the practices of academic blogging, the  platform already offers to SSH researchers the ability to build an open conversation with socio-economic actors, more particularly regarding the societal challenges. Currently, allows for communication practices in support of a wide range of interactions with the society, from science popularisation ( to intensively collaborative projects (

Provided by:

Status: Production

Development Timeline: In its future stages of development, the service will provide, thanks to project funding, more support to intensive collaboration projects, with additional resources such as collaborative tools, funding opportunities, and a matchmaking service to foster and support the desire to collaborate on citizen science projects.

Who is it for: researchers, universities and all other types of engaged stakeholders, such as journalists, NGOs, practitioners, activists, companies, policy makers, public authorities, etc

Access Policy: For users, free to access; For contributors, the following conditions apply: 

Service Agreements: 

Service Link: 

EOSC Marketplace:
