Certification Service

Quality Insurance Service

Peer Review Information Service for Monographs (PRISM)

Increasing trust in Open Access book publishing by improving transparency around the quality assurance process (peer review procedure).

PRISM gives publishers the opportunity to display information about their peer review procedures in a standardized way, enables inclusion of information as part of the book’s metadata and builds trust in OA book publishing by improving transparency around the quality assurance process. PRISM collects the variety of peer reviewing practices from hundreds of monograph publishing houses, categorizes them, and provides a single access point to the list of certified peer reviewed monographs available in Open Access in the world.

Provided by:


Status: Production

Who is it for: Libraries, universities, publishers, service providers, researchers, citizens

Access Policy: For users, free to access; For providers, requires a data provider agreement

Service Agreements: Publishers can request to be included in PRISM if they agree to the terms and conditions of the service. Publishers need to provide correct information and may be suspended from using PRISM if there is evidence that the information they provided is incorrect. Suspended publishers may be required to reapply for the service and their inclusion may be revoked. DOAB reserves the right to announce such measures through its media channels.

Service Link: https://www.doabooks.org/en/librarians/prism 

EOSC Marketplace: https://marketplace.eosc-portal.eu/services/operas-certification-doab

Contact: technical-support@operas-eu.org